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The Positive Impact Chair regularly publishes its latest news.
Read the latest Newsletter
Décembre 2023
- Discover the Baromètre égalité Femmes-Hommes - 2e édition
- [Survey in progress] CSR strategy: how to get on board internally and over time?
- [Study] Quest for meaning at work: commitment, an asset for attracting and retaining employees
- Slow Fashion Training: Awareness raising for nearly 200 people
- #NegoTraining: Raising awareness for nearly 4,000 women
- The New CSR Dictionary
- Responsible fashion: New Imaginations for Sustainable Change
- Responsible Fashion Seminar
- The Chair's contributions to the #RSEnantes Platform
- Enterprise Impact Prize - 2nd edition
- [REPLAY] Women and Responsible Leadership: Diversity as an accelerator for impactful change
- CA NOUS inspires Slow Fashion
Chair Activities
- A guide to prioritizing your CSR challenges
- Quest for meaning at work: 2nd installment coming soon!
- Professional equality barometer: 2nd wave
- Quest for meaning at work: nurturing managers' practice
- GRDF's report of astonishment
- Listen to "En toute transparence", a dedicated podcast
- Chair partners inspire students
- Slow Fashion Training is 1 year old!
- #NegoTraining: almost 3700 women trained!
- "Biarritz Good Fashion", meeting with the BALI Chair
- The Chair's contributions to the #RSEnantes Platform
- Enterprise Impact Award
- #RDD2022 - Florence Touzé's tribune
- Back to Elle Active
- Towards new horizons: 3 questions for André Sobczak
- Acting in favor of job diversity
- Getting a better understanding of the quest for meaning at work
- For better working conditions for bicycle delivery drivers!
- The Chair's contributions to the #RSEnantes Platform
- 3 questions to Laurence Alonso (Crédit Agricole Atlantique Vendée)
- Slow Fashion Training: a positive first evaluation!
- Fashion: price perception & sartorial satiety
- Hackathon on the decarbonization of VINCI Autoroutes sites
- KPMG France renews its support
- Marketing & Responsibility: The Positive Impact Chair, an active academic partner!
- Roundtables for the promotion of women's responsible leadership
- Vers de nouveaux horizons : 3 questions à André Sobczak
- Agir en faveur de la mixité des métiers
- Mieux comprendre la quête de sens au travail
- Pour de meilleures conditions de travail pour les livreurs à vélo !
- Les contributions de la Chaire à la Plateforme #RSEnantes
- 3 questions à Laurence Alonso (Crédit Agricole Atlantique Vendée)
- Slow Fashion Training : un premier bilan positif !
- Mode : perception du prix & satiété vestimentaire
- Hackathon sur la décarbonation des chantiers de VINCI Autoroutes
- KPMG France renouvelle son soutien
- Marketing & responsabilité : la chaire Impact Positif, un partenaire académique actif !
- Des tables rondes pour valoriser le leadership responsable des femmes
Thematic Newsletters
- Light
- Media
- Our students get involved
- Get involved!
- News from the CSR Chair
- Towards responsible fashion
- Our partners are committed
- Our students are committed
- Get involved!
- News from the CSR Chair