LEGRAND, C., KIRSTIE MCALLUM, K., ADRIEN EVIN, A., LAFAURE, C. (2024). Réhumaniser l’hôpital avec les arts vivants. 91ème Congrès Acfas.
NASCHBERGER, C., BARUCH, Y., LEGRAND, C., BOZIONELOS, N. (2024). Kaleidoscope Careers: Proximal and Distal Outcomes. BAM Conference, Nottingham, UK.
LEGRAND, C., BENCHERKI, N. (2024). Writings on the wall: Degrees of materiality in team collaboration practices. 40th Egos Colloquium.
LAFAURE, C., LEGRAND, C. (2023). La danse en Unité de Soins Palliatifs (USP), une proposition qui réhumanise un service hospitalier. ACFAS.
LEGRAND, C. (2023). From Christchurch, New Zealand to the world: Colleen’s international collaboration initiatives. ICA 2023.
LEGRAND, C. (2023). CEO struggling journey from an autocratic to a servant leadership style involving profound identity work in the context of an imposed change towards a more participative organization. EURAM.
LEGRAND, C., MILLS, C. (2022). Writing on the wall: Revealing how the sociomaterial micro-practices at the heart of communication create team unity. ICA 2022.
LEGRAND, C., MILLS, C. (2022). Identity work at the top: A process model of CEO Identity work during imposed transitioning to a post neo-liberal way of organizing. 13th International Symposium on Process Organization Studies.
NASCHBERGER, C., LEGRAND, C., BARUCH, Y., BOZIONELOS, N. (2022). The Impact of Chance Events on Careers: A longitudinal Study with Covid-19 as the Chance Event.. BAM conference, Manchester, UK.
NASCHBERGER, C., LEGRAND, C., BARUCH, Y., BOZIONELOS, N. (2021). Unveiling the significance of chance events in managerial careers. Congrès de l’AGRH, Paris, France.
LEGRAND, C., MILLS, C. (2021). Grappling with a transforming CEO identity during radical organizational change. 12th International Symposium on Process Organization Studies.
NASCHBERGER, C., LEGRAND, C., BOZIONELOS, N., BARUCH, Y. (2020). Chance event in executives' careers: Positive and negative events, their expected and unexpected outcomes.. AOM conference, Vancouver, Canada..
NASCHBERGER, C., LEGRAND, C., BOZIONELOS, N., BARUCH, Y. (2019). Chance event in executives' careers: Positive and negative events, their expected and unexpected outcomes.. BAM conference, Aston, UK..
MILLS, C., LEGRAND, C. (2019). Dialogic digital and material entanglement in the process of managing an emerging ICT firm’s strategy practice. Tenth International Symposium on Process Organization Studies.
LEGRAND, C., NASCHBERGER, C., BARUCH, Y., BOZIONELOS, N. (2018). Executives' career success: Antecedents to multiple dimensions of career success in a study of French Business School alumni., British Academy of Management (BAM).
MILLS, C., LEGRAND, C. (2017). Writing on the wall: Revealing the sociomaterial micro-practices at the heart of instituting an ITC team’s practices., Ninth International Symposium on Process Organization Studies.
DEBUCQUET, G., LOUCHE, C., LEGRAND, C. (2016). Les managers face aux nanotechnologies et à leurs incertitudes., Colloque "Les nanotechnologies : entre rêves et craintes".
DEBUCQUET, G., LOUCHE, C., LEGRAND, C. (2015). Middle managers’ decisions and actions justification in a context of uncertainties: the case of nanotechnologies., 31st EGOS Colloquium.
BOZIONELOS, N., LEGRAND, C., AL ARISS, A. (2014). The dynamics of the careers of migrant CEOs., 74th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.
ARNAUD, N., LEGRAND, C. (2014). Organizational change communication: Materialising the immaterial., ICA'S 64th Annual Conference.
ARNAUD, N., MILLS, C., LEGRAND, C. (2014). Liberation through narrativity: A case of organization reconstruction through strategic storytelling., 14th Annual Conference EURAM.
ARNAUD, N., LEGRAND, C. (2014). From outlaw to hero: middle-manager deviance within a normative organization.., 9th Organization Studies Summer Workshop "Resistance, resisting, and resisters in and around organizations".
ARNAUD, N., MILLS, C., LEGRAND, C., MATON, E. (2013). Middle manager as the interface between global strategy and strategy practice. Enacting strategy through materializing., 29th EGOS Colloquium.
ARNAUD, N., MILLS, C., LEGRAND, C. (2013). Liberation through narrativity: A case of organization reconstruction through strategic storytelling., 29th EGOS Colloquium.
NASCHBERGER, C., QUENTAL, C., & LEGRAND, C. (2013). La recherche de l'équilibre vie professionnelle-vie personnelle : les cadres hommes et femmes ne sont pas toujours égaux face à cette problématique., 1ère Journée du Management Socialement Responsable des Entreprises.
LEGRAND, C., NASCHBERGER, C., QUENTAL, C. (2013). L'équilibre vie professionnelle - vie personnelle : point de vue des cadres., 5ème Congrès de l'Association Française de Sociologie.
LEGRAND, C. (2013). Impacts of CEO Change on Top Management Team composition and dynamics., 13th EURAM Conference.
ARNAUD, N., MILLS, C., & LEGRAND, C. (2013). Explicating the discursive costs of innovation and creative practice., Fifth International Symposium on Process Organization Studies.
NASCHBERGER, C., QUENTAL, C., LEGRAND, C. (2013). Etapes de carrière et perception des enjeux en matière d'équilibre vie professionnelle -vie personnelle chez les cadres hommes et femmes., 24ème Congrès AGRH.
LEGRAND, C., STERVINOU, S., NOEL-LEMAITRE, C. (2012). Vers une meilleure compréhension des bénéficiaires du microcrédit entrepreneurial en France : Proposition d’une typologie des parcours des porteurs de projet. Séminaire de Recherche "Les jeudis de la Recherche".
ARNAUD, N., LEGRAND, C., MATON, E. (2012). The textualizing work of middle managers. A practice perspective on the materiality aspect of discourse., 28th EGOS Colloquium.
ARNAUD, N., MATON, E., LEGRAND, C. (2012). Materializing Strategy: what middle managers do? And why?., Special Workshop Strategy-as-Practice.
DEBUCQUET, G., LEGRAND, C. (2012). Lessons of food-related risks management in France based on four case studies: from “omerta” to a proactive strategy involving stakeholders., 28th EGOS Colloquium.
LEGRAND, C. (2012). Impacts of CEO succession on Top Management Team composition and dynamics., XXIème Conférence Internationale de Management Stratégique (AIMS).
ARNAUD, N., LEGRAND, C., MATON, E. (2012). From Outlaw to Hero: a process study of middle managers deviance within a bureaucracy. A longitudinal and multicase study., 28th EGOS Colloquium.
ARNAUD, N., LEGRAND, C., MATON, E. (2012). Deviant practices of middle managers while implementing change in a pluralistic context., 2012 Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
NASCHBERGER, C., LEGRAND, C., & QUENTAL, C. (2012). Développement des carrières : perception des cadres sur les leviers et les freins en matière d’évolution professionnelle., 23ème congrès de l'Association francophone de Gestion des Ressources Humaines (AGRH).
QUENTAL, C., NASCHBERGER, C., & LEGRAND, C. (2012). Career development in the perception of managers: Levers, barriers and gender differences., 28th EGOS Colloquium.
ARNAUD, N., LEGRAND, C., & MATON, E. (2011). Un intrapreneur « ordinaire » au cœur d’une implantation réussie d’un changement organisationnel., Journée d'Etude sur le changement entrepreneurial.
ARNAUD, N., LEGRAND, C., & MATON, E. (2011). Reconstructing a global strategic plan in a pluralistic context: How middle managers locally reconstruct strategy through the production of texts. A multi case study., 27th EGOS Colloquium.
LEGRAND, C., NOEL-LEMAITRE, C., STERVINOU, S. (2009). Une typologie des parcours des micros-entrepreneurs : Quels risques et quelles modalités spécifiques d'accompagnement des parcours Tremplin", "Passion", "Indépendance", "Utopique" et "Dernier recours" ?". 2ème Colloque interdisciplinaire d’Audencia sur la responsabilité globale "Engager les parties prenantes dans une démarche de responsabilité globale".
LEGRAND, C., & VIOLA, J.-M. (2009). Toward a better fit between stage of growth, business model and board's composition: Evidence of various governance configurations in the North American biotech industry., 8ème Conférence Internationale de Gouvernance d'Entreprise (CIG 2009).
LEGRAND, C., STERVINOU, S. (2009). Conciliation, au sein d’un réseau, d’un modèle de gouvernance fondateur idéaliste et d’un modèle émergent pragmatique, autour d’un projet de développement durable.. 2ème Colloque interdisciplinaire d’Audencia sur la responsabilité globale "Engager les parties prenantes dans une démarche de responsabilité globale".
LEGRAND, C., STERVINOU, S. (2008). Quelle gouvernance pour un réseau en phase de croissance : le cas d'une marque collective. Workshop "Responsabilité globale et réseaux : quelle gouvernance ?".
STERVINOU, S., LEGRAND, C. (2008). Les enjeux stratégiques des étapes de développement d'une marque collective. XVIIe Conférence Internationale de Management Stratégique.
STERVINOU, S., LEGRAND, C. (2007). La crise de croissance d'un réseau sous l'éclairage d'un conflit entre deux visions concurrentes - l'une idéaliste, et l'autre pragmatique. XVIe Conférence Internationale de Management Stratégique (AIMS).
LEGRAND, C. (2006). CEO interest for team work and for operations as key elements in understanding differences in top teams composition and functioning., 10th International Workshop on Teamworking (IWOT 10).
LEGRAND, C. (2006). Analyse métaphorique des conditions de stabilité d’un cadre d’interaction social : Étude des valeurs, règles et mécanismes de contrôle social contribuant à la régulation des comportements dans une bibliothèque.., 6ème Congrès Internationale de Psychologie Sociale en Langue Française (CIPSLF).