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New award to Prof. Constantin Zopounidis (FIA)
The American College of Greece gave an award to Professor Constantin Zopounidis
During a modest ceremony at the 11th National Conference of the Financial Engineering Society (December 21-22, 2021), the Deree - American College of Greece gave an award to Professor-Academician Constantin Zopounidis for his contribution to research in Financial Engineering.
Constantin Zopounidis, President of FEBS and Professor of the Technical University of Crete (Visiting Professor Audencia Business School) has developed a multifaceted scientific work in the fields of Financial Engineering, Multicriteria Decision Aid, Operations Research, Corporate Finance and Banking Management. So far, FEBS has organized 10 international conferences and 11 national ones.
The Google Scholar index for Professor Constantin Zopounidis is currently 17698.
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