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TitreFaculté Internationale Affiliée
- Professeur "Business and Society"
- Directeur du Centre for Business, Organisations and Society
Section CV
PhD Management
University of Nottingham, Nottingham
Expériences professionnelles
Professeur "Business and Society"
University of Bath, Bath, Royaume Uni
Directeur du Centre for Business, Organisations and Society
University of Bath, Bath, Royaume Uni
Al-Esia, Z., CRANE, A., Iatridis, K. (2024). Political CSR and Populism: Toward an Information-Based Theory of Political CSR. Business and Society, 63 (2), 373-408.
Derakhshan, R., Soundararajan, V., Agarwal, P., CRANE, A. (2024). Coping with personhood limbo: Personhood anchoring work among undocumented workers in Italy. Human Relations
Wilhelm, M., Bhakoo, V., Soundararajan, V., CRANE, A., Kadfak, A. (2024). Beyond Compliance-Based Governance: The Role of Social Intermediaries in Mitigating Forced Labour in Global Supply Chains. Production and Operations Management
Acuti, D., Glozer, S., CRANE, A. (2024). What is (and is not) stakeholder dialogue in CSR? A review and research agenda. International Journal of Management Reviews
MARQUES, L., Erthal, A., CRANE, A. (2024). Impact pathways: “follow the labour”. the labour supply chain and its impact on decent work in product supply chains. International Journal of Operations and Production Management
Soundararajan, V., Wilhelm, M. M., CRANE, A. (2021). Humanizing Research on Working Conditions in Supply Chains: Building a Path to Decent Work. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 57 (2), 3-13.
Caruana, R., CRANE, A., Gold, S., LeBaron, G. (2021). Modern Slavery in Business: The Sad and Sorry State of a Non-Field. Business and Society, 60 (2), 251-287.
CRANE, A., Glozer, S. (2021). What’s Next for the Quantified Scholar? Impact, Metrics, and (Social) Media. Business and Society, 000765032110167.
CRANE, A., LeBaron, G., Phung, K., Behbahani, L., Allain, J. (2021). Confronting the Business Models of Modern Slavery. Journal of Management Inquiry, 105649262199490.
CRANE, A., Matten, D. (2021). COVID‐19 and the Future of CSR Research. Journal of Management Studies, 58 (1), 280-284.
Schoeneborn, D., Morsing, M., CRANE, A. (2020). Formative Perspectives on the Relation Between CSR Communication and CSR Practices: Pathways for Walking, Talking, and T(w)alking. Business and Society, 59 (1), 5-33.
Rogerson, M., CRANE, A., Soundararajan, V., Grosvold, J., Cho, C. H. (2020). Organisational responses to mandatory modern slavery disclosure legislation: a failure of experimentalist governance?. Accounting Auditing and Accountability Journal, 33 (7), 1505-1534.
Shadnam, M., CRANE, A., Lawrence, T. B. (2020). Who Calls It? Actors and Accounts in the Social Construction of Organizational Moral Failure. Journal of Business Ethics, 165 (4), 699-717.
de Bakker, F., CRANE, A., Henriques, I., Husted, B. W. (2019). Publishing Interdisciplinary Research in Business & Society. Business and Society, 58 (3), 443-452.
CRANE, A., LeBaron, G., Allain, J., Behbahani, L. (2019). Governance gaps in eradicating forced labor: From global to domestic supply chains. Regulation and Governance, 13 (1), 86-106.
CRANE, A., de Bakker, F. G. A., Henriques, I., Husted, B. W. (2019). Taking Stock at : Reflections on Our Tenure as Co-Editors, 2015-2019. Business and Society, 58 (8), 1483-1495.
CRANE, A., HENRIQUES, I., HUSTED , B. W. (2018). Quants and Poets: Advancing Methods and Methodologies in Business and Society Research. Journal of Business Ethics, 57 (1), 3-25.
CLARKE, A., CRANE, A. (2018). Cross-Sector Partnerships for Systemic Change: Systematized Literature Review and Agenda for Further Research. Journal of Business Ethics, 1-11.
CRANE, A., LEBARON, G., ALLAIN, J., BEHBAHANI, L. (2017). Governance gaps in eradicating forced labor: from global to domestic supply chains. Regulation and Governance, 1-21.
VAN TULDER, R., SEITANIDI, M. M., CRANE, A., BRAMMER, S. (2016). Enhancing the impact of cross-sector partnerships: four impact loops for channeling partnership studies. Journal of Business Ethics, 135 (1), 1-17.
CRANE, A., GLOZER, S. (2016). Researching corporate social responsibility communication: themes, opportunities and challenges. Journal of Management Studies, 53 (7), 1223-1252.
RAWHOUSER, H., CUMMINGS, M., CRANE, A. (2015). Benefit corporation legislation and the emergence of a social hybrid category. California Management Review, 57 (3), 13-35.
CRANE, A., GRAHAM, C., HIMICK, D. (2015). Financializing stakeholder claims. Journal of Management Studies, 52 (7), 878-906.
CRANE, A., PALAZZO, G., SPENCE, L., MATTEN, D. (2014). Contesting the value of "creating shared value". California Management Review, 56 (2), 130-153.
CARUANA, R., GLOZER, S., CRANE, A., MC CABE, S. (2014). Tourists' accounts of responsible tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 46, 115-129.
CRANE, A. (2013). Modern slavery as a management practice: exploring the conditions and capabilities for human exploitation. Academy of Management Review, 38 (1), 49-69.
CRANE, A., GILBERT, D. U., GOODPASTER, K. E., MICELI, M. P., MOORE, G., REYNOLDS, S. J., SCHMINKE, M., WADDOCK, S., WEAVER, G. R., WICKS, A. C. (2011). Comments on BEQ's twentieth anniversary forum on new directions for business Ethics research. Business Ethics Quarterly, 21 (1), 157-187.
CRANE, A., RUEBOTTOM, T. (2011). Stakeholder Theory and Social Identity: Rethinking Stakeholder Identification. Journal of Business Ethics, 102 (1), 77-87.
CRANE, A., KAZMI, B. A. (2010). Business and children: mapping impacts, managing responsibilities. Journal of Business Ethics, 91 (4), 567-586.
GOND, J. P., CRANE, A. (2010). Corporate social performance disoriented: saving the lost paradigm?. Business and Society, 49 (4), 677-703.
DAVIES, L. A., CRANE, A. (2010). Corporate social responsibility in small-and medium-size enterprises: investigating employee engagement in fair trade companies. Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility, 19 (2), 126-139.
CRANE, A. (2010). From governance to Governance: on blurring boundaries. Journal of Business Ethics, 94 (Supp. 1), 17-19.
VALENTE, M., CRANE, A. (2010). Public responsibility and private enterprise in developing countries. California Management Review, 52 (3), 52-78.
VOEGTLIN, C., CRANE, A., NOVAL, L. (2019). When CEO political activism attracts new talent: Exploring the conditions under which CEO activism increases job pursuit intentions. EGOS conference.
Articles de presse
VÖGTLIN, C., CRANE, A., NOVAL, L. (2019). CEOs who take a political stand are seen as a bonus by job applicants. The Conversation
VÖGTLIN, C., CRANE, A., NOVAL, L. (2019). Politically active CEOs may help their companies attract more employees. MarketWatch
VÖGTLIN, C., CRANE, A., NOVAL, L. (2019). L’activisme sociopolitique des PDG attire de nouveaux talents.