The balance of the apprenticeship tax finances the development of initial technological and vocational training, excluding apprenticeships, and professional integration, including the costs of initial equipment, the renewal of existing equipment and additional equipment (Article L. 6241-4 of the Labor Code).
Audencia is constantly evolving its teaching to meet the expectations of its students and the transformational challenges facing business and society. Support Audencia and develop tomorrow's talent with your training tax!
What is the apprenticeship tax used for?
Apprenticeship tax: what you need to know
The law of 5 September 2018 on the freedom to choose one's professional future concretizes the final stage of its reform.
In 2023, the balance of the apprenticeship tax will no longer be paid directly by companies to the eligible establishments. URSSAF or MSA will now collect this balance according to the data declared in your April DSN. The funds collected in this way will be paid to the Caisse des Dépôts, which will be responsible for disbursing them to the establishments according to the employer's decision via a dematerialized earmarking platform (SOLTéA) accessible from May 25 to September 7, 2023.
To support Audencia, it requires a voluntary approach on the part of the company!
Request your Net Entreprises access code starting May 25, 2023.
Get your login details to access the SOLTéA platform available starting May 25, 2023.
Choose Audencia as your beneficiary
Convert the amount of the balance of the apprenticeship tax to be allocated to Audencia into a percentage by downloading the simulator.
Confirm your assignment choice on SOLTéA
Send us your intention to pay now. Audencia will only be able to see the amounts allocated through Soltéa from July 15th..