To define our priority CSR issues, we created a matrix of real issues. We initially identified 36 CSR issues for Audencia, divided into 6 families, through benchmarking with other business schools in France and internationally, as well as through interviews with different categories of stakeholders,
CSR in Our School
In addition to placing the challenges of ecological and social transition at the heart of its research and teaching, Audencia is implementing an ambitious CSR approach that involves all of the school's departments and numerous partners. This approach has been designed with our stakeholders and is structured around 5 priorities, broken down into quantified objectives and action plans, which are monitored by the CSR General Delegation. The quality of the CSR approach and its integration into the school's strategy have been recognized by the LUCIE label, which Audencia received for the first time in 2013 and has since been renewed every 3 years.
Our priority CSR issues
Governance & CSR Strategy
To define and monitor its CSR strategy and that of the Gaïa School, Audencia has created a Strategic CSR Committee composed of external stakeholders recognized for their expertise and commitment to ecological and inclusive transition.
Social Justice
Acting in favor of professional gender equality and promoting the inclusion of people with disabilities are 2 of Audencia's 5 CSR priorities, which the school identified thanks to the matrix of real issues it developed with its various stakeholders.
Beyond these priorities, the school is committed to social openness, the fight against sexism, and the well-being of its students and staff. The School carries out numerous social justice activities involving its students and alumni, its staff and its partners.
Audencia's strategy is based on collaboration with the different territorial ecosystems of its campuses. This collaboration allows the school to achieve its goals while having a positive impact on the other participants in the ecosystem.
This is reflected in a purchasing policy that favors local suppliers and in the encouragement of our students to get involved in local associations. The school, together with its students and alumni, its staff and its partners, carries out numerous activities to strengthen its local roots.
Ecological Transition
Adopting a low-carbon strategy is one of Audencia's 5 CSR priorities, which the school identified thanks to the matrix of real issues developed with its various stakeholders. In addition to this priority, the school is committed to limiting and recycling its waste and restoring biodiversity. As a strategic partner of WWF France since 2010, the school carries out numerous actions in the field of ecological transition, involving its students and alumni, employees and partners.