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Executive Master Chief Value Officer
The world's first training course for Chief Value Officers!
Unlock your future with the Early Application Scholarship – apply today and receive a €4,500 scholarship! Learn more here
The world's first training course for Chief Value Officers!
The Executive Master Chief Value Officer is the world's first training program dedicated to transforming the measurement, control and auditing professions into the « multi-capital » world. It is a diploma course offered by Audencia, and is backed by the RNCP level 7 title - Business Unit Director: RNCP 36461.
In 2024, companies affected by CSRD will have to publish their first extra-financial reports. All European companies will soon be concerned by these publications.
You are aware of the environmental and social issues at stake, and you too would like to play your part in changing organizations, by accompanying these changes. You are convinced that the measurement of value will bring as much to companies as to the planet and its inhabitants.
Systemic vision, value creation, responsible strategic leadership and an international dimension are the distinctive features of our Executive Master Chief Value Officer.
This program will enable you to become a leader in sustainable enterprise, aligning your personal values and professional skills to build the company of tomorrow. We offer you top-quality teaching with exceptional lecturers and experienced professors, as well as strategic partnerships.
Our Executive Master Chief Value Officer is delivered in a « blended » format: Face-to-face in Paris (30%) / Online (70%)
You'll be able to understand and anticipate the financial, environmental and social implications of your decisions, and you'll acquire the techniques and methods for measuring, controlling, auditing and reporting your organization's key indicators to optimize and manage the value creation process internally.
You will understand the implications of new technologies on multi-capital value management.
This training course is aimed at finance professionals and Business Unit Managers who are convinced that it is through figures and financial data that we will change our business models in the long term.
Participants come from a wide range of sectors and professions:
- Business managers
- Financial specialists / accountants / auditors / internal auditors
- Executives / Directors
- Chief Finance Officers wishing to become Chief Value Officers
- CSR managers wishing to acquire skills in sustainable development accounting.
Specific skills related to training :
Map the regulatory environment, stakeholders and influencers, and CSR resources of the business unit, within its sector of activity, to formalize the global strategy.
Comprendre les enjeux planétaires pour construire et déployer des modèles d'affaires durables.
- System thinking
- Sustainable Science
- CSR and SDG
- Doughnut Economics
- Sustainable business model
- Governance for sustainability
Ce parcours vous permet de valider les compétences suivantes : élaborer et déployer la stratégie responsable d'une unité opérationnelle dans une entreprise ou une entité de l'entreprise.
Comprendre les enjeux sociaux et sociétaux des entreprises pour mettre en œuvre et piloter des politiques et stratégies RH responsables.
- Societal matters + SPI
- Social LCA
- Self Leadership
Ce parcours vous permet de valider les compétences suivantes : Pilotage et management des ressources humaines d'une unité opérationnelle en intégrant une démarche de responsabilité globale.
Mettre en place la finance et comptabilité de demain en intégrant les enjeux de performance globale.
- Sustainable Finance
- Audit, Risk, control and Materiality
- Reporting and ratings
- Multi- capital accounting and performance
Ce parcours vous permet de valider les compétences suivantes : Pilotage de la performance financière et extra-financière de l’unité opérationnelle.
Mesurer et limiter les impacts climatiques et environnementaux des activités de l'entreprise. Créer de la valeur grâce à la supply chain, l'innovation et les nouvelles technologies.
- Big Data, Blockchain and IA
- Create and measure value : Supply Chain
- Climate matters
- Environmental maters
Ce parcours vous permet de valider les compétences suivantes : Coordination d'une chaîne de valeur innovante et responsable de l’unité opérationnelle.
Comprendre les enjeux environnementaux des organisations et devenir intra ou entrepreneur d'une entreprise innovante et engagée
- Environmental LCA
- Create and measure value : Marketing
- Marketing Innovation for sustainable business
- Entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship
Ce parcours vous permet de valider les compétences suivantes : Définition et mise en œuvre de la stratégie marketing et commerciale responsable de l’unité opérationnelle.
Inidvidual project, Soutenance orale, Group work
Up to 10 working days before the start of the course
18 900 € (non soumis à la TVA)
This course will enable you to train for a position in global performance management or leadership: global performance pilot, chief value officer, CSR consultant, extra-financial auditor, sustainable finance manager, company director or impact project manager.
This executive master capitalizes on your background and experience to enable you to align your future career with your values and personal commitment.
Solène PERROT - Educational advisor
In line with its three founding values - Innovation, Collaboration and Responsibility - Audencia's social policy places the fight against all forms of discrimination related to age, gender, origin, disability or any other personal characteristic at the heart of its policy and encourages the integration of learners regardless of these attributes.
In particular, Audencia is committed to meeting accessibility standards for people with disabilities in all our locations and to offering specially adapted training courses. For more information, please see our Disability Policy.
Contact us, in complete confidentiality, so that together we can find a personalized solution: disability@audencia.com